When box is empty, unhook QCD by pressing on front middle of connector and pulling outer part of connector forward. Lift connector off of bag-in-box (BIB) valve. Now rinse QCD in hot water. Remove empty BIB and place full BIB on rack. Push in round cardboard tab, “A” of new box. Pull up second cardboard tab, “B” to reveal valve on syrup box. Pull out the valve and secure valve using cardboard tab “B”. Remove dust cap from valve. Now, slide QCD onto BIB valve of the new bag-in-box and push middle back into QCD and box. Ensure connector is fitted securely. Syrup will begin to flow.
When box is empty, unscrew red connector from bag-in-box and rinse in hot water. Push in round cardboard tab, “A” of new box. Pull up second cardboard tab, “B” to reveal valve on syrup box. Pull out the valve and secure valve using cardboard tab “B”. Remove dust cap from valve. Now, fit red connector to the new bag-in-box by turning red part clockwise. Ensure connector is fitted securely. Syrup will begin to flow.
- Check syrup box, replace if empty. Check syrup box connection (QCD).
- Make sure gas (CO2) is full and open. Check pressure-should be on 100psi. Do you have a switch over with 2 Co2 tanks? Make sure lever is on the full tank.
- Run out 5-6 pitchers of seltzer to bring the bubbles (carbonation) back to the gun.
- Make sure the soda machine or carbonator is on. Check Plug, outlet and circuit breaker. Check outlet with a blender or radio.
- Fill ice bin where the cold plate is, tap down ice and close ice bin door. The cold plate must be fully covered in ice machine ice at all times. Bottles or glasses etc… can NOT be stored in the ice bin with the cold plate.

- Check that your gas (CO2) is full. A full tanks regulator should read 600-700 pounds and PSI-Pressure should be between 100-110psi. Remember on a switch-over system, if one tank is empty you may need to turn the dial so it points to the other. Both tanks may be empty. Change if needed. Run out pitchers of seltzer.
- Check plug on the carbonator, check outlet and circuit breaker. Check outlet with a blender or radio.
- Check product temperature.
- Fill ice bin where the cold plate is, tap down ice and close ice bin door. The cold plate must be fully covered in ice machine ice at all times. Bottles or glasses etc… can NOT be stored in the ice bin with the cold plate.

- Identify if its one flavor, and which one, or many.
- Check if correct syrup box is hooked up and full and not expired.
- Fill ice bin where the cold plate is, tap down ice and close ice bin door. The cold plate must be fully covered in ice machine ice at all times. Bottles or glasses etc… can NOT be stored in the ice bin with the cold plate.

No Water:
- Check water shut off. Was a plumber there recently?
- Check cold plate, make sure it isn’t frozen and has proper ice coverage. Cannot be bagged or freezer ice, ice machine or wet ice only.

MACHINE Leaking/Spraying: Locate leak and call 631-589-2415
If leak is from top or sides of machine:
- Turn off water at shut off.
- Turn off gas.
- Unplug machine.
- Press and hold seltzer lever to relieve pressure and empty remaining water.
If leak is from a drip tray:
- Try to tape crack or replace with a bucket